Flower and Wine Henna Tattoos

Flower and vine henna

Floral henna tattoos are the best and the easiest to draw. Flowers, leaves and vines are the main designs of nature. so it is only natural that they wed so well with human skin and body. any flower can be fit to any part of the body, any vine can wiggle its way to any part of the skin. flowers, leaves and vines are the essence of henna on skin. it is nearly impossible to draw with henna and not draw flowers, leaves or vines henna designs. the pictures below are just a small sample of what floral henna can look like.

We are a pioneer of henna, jagua tattoos in the USA. Our artists can come to your locations and events or you can be a sponsor for events that we attend—some drawing upwards of 50,000 people per day.

To get our experts at your doorstep contact us at (310) 272-9837 or at events@tattoo-me.com

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